We are Wenner Hill Gardens (DBA) Yo Mama Grows.
Here you can keep up with our products, special events, seed to table incentives, growing special items for your establishment and much, much more!
Located at the very top of Frydenhoj on the island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
...Producing fresh locally grown herbs, vegetables, fruits and other items on the island of St.Thomas.
...Growing products to your specifications...talk to us.
...We do hydroponics and have over 4-acres of dedicated farming land to support your organizations produce needs.
We are Wenner Hill Gardens (DBA) Yo Mama Grows.
Here you can keep up with our products, special events, seed to table incentives, growing special items for your establishment and much, much more!
Located at the very top of Frydenhoj on the island of St. Thomas, Virgin Islands
...Producing fresh locally grown herbs, vegetables, fruits and other items on the island of St.Thomas.
...Growing products to your specifications...talk to us.
...We do hydroponics and have over 4-acres of dedicated farming land to support your organizations produce needs.